Actions speak louder than words. The path to unite Lake Bluff is inclusion and participation. There is no better means than through our volunteer tradition.
When I am elected Village President, one of my first actions will be to form an Economic Development Task Force to tackle some of our greater challenges. The Task Force will build on the great work that's already been done in Lake Bluff by our volunteers (look what we accomplished with Target, not to mention many, many more positives). But much work remains. I have already publicly invited in a conversation about Stonebridge Brad Anderson to be on this task force. Brad and I disagreed on Block 3 a year ago. But we need differing viewpoints and participation, even and especially when we've disagreed, to make progress.
We have five volunteer candidates for Village Board and three slots open. When I am elected Village President, any of those candidates who are not elected but who are willing, I will ask to serve in meaningful, volunteer roles in the Village.
And to my opponent Regis Charlot – after I am elected Village President I pledge to work with Regis on the Village Board so that his talents, eagerness to volunteer, and viewpoint will contribute to the Village’s success.
Uniting Lake Bluff happens when we work together to include, not exclude. Interested in volunteering? PM me your interests.
Also, vote! You can vote by mail now – information at Early voting at Lake Forest City Hall starts Monday, March 22 and the general election is April 6.